July. Heat. Porches. Late afternoon thunder showers. Weekly Farmer's Market. Tomatoes. Strawberries. Raspberries. Peaches. Fresh Herbs.
I am declaring July the month of SALSAs. I already make a mean traditional salsa--finely or coarsely chopped tomatoes, onions, avocado, cilantro, and jalapenos tossed with lime juice and salt, but I want to branch out. More specifically, I want to experiment with both sweet and savory salsa by having each salsa highlight both a main ingredient and an herb. Tentatively, I am thinking:
*Peach salsa with finely chopped red onion, ginger and/or mint and lime juice.
*Green olives, black olives, and caper salsa with freshly chopped rosemary and maybe thyme.
*Roasted pepper and tomato salsa with cilantro and basil.
*Cherry salsa with green onions and adobe chiles.
*Roasted beet salsa tossed in dill and a tiny bit of balsamic vinegar.
Paired with the right kind of excellent cheese, melted in a quesadilla. Oh, my!
This quest is as much about the process, as the end result of deliciousness and delectability. The weekly trip to the farmer's market, the conversation with the farmers, the picking out of just the right fresh ingredients, the carrying gently home, the chopping, combining, tasting, and testing.
Stay tuned for a mouth-watering report!
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