Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yesterday, as a treat, I bought Deborah Madison's gorgeously illustrated and delectable cookbook, Vegetable Soups. Wild Rice Chowder. Spicy Chickpea and Tomato Soup. Summer Squash in Broth with Cilantro Salsa. Oh my! Just thumbing through her book gives me satisfaction. I'm already starting an ingredient list for this weekend's soup. 

Then today, I bought a long string of white lights to hang across the built-in bookshelf in the living room, an small advent calendar, and one red candle. I looked for snowflakes to hang on the window and couldn't find any, but may make my own. 

Now this is the me, I know and love and whom it gives me comfort to come back to. The me who is creative and grounded. The me who takes joy in simple pleasures. 

For me, health is having a w-h-o-l-e  l-i-f-e. Good work, rewarding play 

1 comment:

GroundedGirl said...

This is the you I know and love, too. Welcome back, you. Cook good food. Read good books. Write good words. Laugh long laughs. "Take care of yourself" has a whole new meaning now!