Down the Rabbit Hole...
During an insomniac night a night or so ago, I was tossing, turning, and obsessing. "What if... How will I... Oh, no... What will happen... Should I... Why didn't I think to..." and on and on...and on and on...
Trying to settle or quell run-away anxiety is a thankless, exhausting, depleting task. To say the least.
Anxiety, I've decided, is a rabbit. If I like, I can believe that catching the rabbit is possible and I can run fast and furious to chase the bunny. I can race across the field, trip, fall down the rabbit hole, and much like Alice in Wonderland, end up in a strange and terrifying dream world. Or, as I have been practicing this week, I can simply say to myself each time an anxiety-producing thought pops up, "DO NOT CHASE THE RABBIT".
After all, chasing the rabbit is, especially at first, seductive and intoxicating. I always whole-heartedly believe, every time, even though it has NEVER worked, that I can track down and stop my anxiety by chasing and then catching the anxiety. I say to myself, "You're mine, this time, rabbit!" Instead, the chase is endless, and I get winded, exhausted, dizzied, and overwhelmed. I lose track of time, goals, reason, sense, and myself.
Chasing doesn't work. Stopping the chase does. If I start wondering what's going in a relationship, or what will happen in the future, or...I simply stop myself and say firmly, "DO NOT CHASE THE RABBIT" and return to whatever I need to be doing right now. It's worked wonders.
When our daughter lay in the ICU on her second day of being alive in the
world, we stood above her bed and asked her to breathe. Her small hands
were strap...
14 years ago